Albanian Daily News: Germany Puts the Brakes on PM Rama

It must be said that Rama government used to be „pampered“ by the internationals until yesterday, despite the fact that Cannabis had spread all over the Country and Ambassadors Lu and Vlahutin were keeping silent about it. Many mistakes, scandals, and blunders would have put the government in a difficult Position during ist five vears. Instead of criticism and strong reactions from foreign chancelleries, the government got instead only good marks about reforms that it has not completed, or about issues that the Albanien public considers as not positive.
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Montag, 20. Januar, 19 Uhr: Südkurier-Wahlarena - Neue Tonhalle in Villingen-Schwenningen +++ Wochenmärkte (je 90 Minuten): 1. Feb., 9 Uhr: Hausach/ 11 Uhr: Wolfach / Freitag, 7. Feb., 8.30 Uhr: Donaueschingen / 10.30 Uhr: Bad Dürrheim / Samstag, 8. Feb., 9 Uhr: St. Georgen (Edeka) / 11 Uhr: Villingen (Innenstadt) / Freitag, 14. Feb., 8.30 Uhr: Donaueschingen / 10.30 Uhr: Bad Dürrheim / Samstag, 15. Feb.: 9 Uhr: Schwenningen / 11 Uhr: Villingen (Innenstadt) / Freitag, 21. Feb., 8.30 Uhr:  Donaueschingen / 10.30: Bad Dürrheim / Samstag, 22. Feb., 9.30 Uhr: Schwenningen / 11 Uhr: Villingen (Innenstadt)